My Speech from the Rally For Transgender Rights at City Hall Plaza

Speaking to the crowd at City Hall Plaza. Photo by Krystal Śmierć

Sunday, October 28th, 2018, in support of the Massachusetts Yes On 3 ballot referendum efforts, and in reaction to the Trump Regime’s leaked desire to define trans people out of existence; hundreds of trans people and our allies gathered in the Plaza at Boston City Hall to listen to a passionate roster of speakers, poets, and musicians speak and sing about trans rights and trans lives.

I was honoured to be included in that line-up of speakers. And humbled by the crowd of beautiful, strong folks.


With Mason Dunn, Executive Director of the Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition. Photo by Hurley Event Photography

Below is the reading text of my speech, copied exactly as I wrote it in the text app on my iPad. Usually I’m far more of an improviser, but as I was getting ready that morning, the words just started pouring out of me. I wrote this in the bathroom getting ready, on the Red Line riding in to town, and as I walked from Downtown Crossing to City Hall Plaza. And I was tinkering with the structure and wording right up until I went on stage. And while I did improvise around the edges a bit, these are the words I spoke.

Please read them, and if you find inspiration, share them. And never stop fighting!


Lorelei Erisis

Photo by Hurley Event Photography

Listen brothers sisters and siblings

How can I tell you.  As bad as you think things are, they are worse. 

We are under attack

Who we Are, our identities, our lives, represent a threat to those who would deny our basic dignity and freedom

It is no longer acceptable to stand on the sidelines, to exempt yourselves 

If it ever was 

It is no longer acceptable to not have an opinion, to be neutral, to stay home, to not vote, to refuse to participate

We are all under attack. 

Transgender people most directly, right now. We are the most visible, the easiest scapegoat. And make no mistake. 

The Trump Regime wants to erase us. 

But we are not the only targets. Immigrants, people of color, queer people and poor people. We are called The Enemy. 

We are being separated, decimated. Murdered.

And we need to fight back. 

Not tomorrow. Not the day after. 

Today. And every day that we continue to draw breath. 

And honestly friends, I do not know when, or if, this fight will end.

And I am scared. 

There is nothing brave in this fight.

But we cannot allow our fear to hold us back. Because we are fighting for our very lives. We are fighting to turn back the tide of fear and hate, before it’s too late. 

We must say, no further. Stop. We must fight To reclaim this country for ALL of us. Trans people. LGB AND Q People. Women. All who are marginalized and oppressed. 

To save our own lives. 

I do not want our children to read in a textbook, in 20 or 40 years, 

That first they came for the immigrants, and then they came for 

the trans people. 

And then… And then….

Let that line be unrepeated 

Take care of each other. Speak up for each other. Be kind to each other. 

When one of us is attacked, we are all attacked. 

But Together we are strong. 

Together we must prevail. 

There is no other acceptable option. 

We will not go back into the closets. 

We will not retreat to the sidelines. 

I will not go quietly into the dark. 

I will speak up and speak out. 

I will stand with you my beautiful, strong friends. 

I will fight for you and with you until I can fight no more. 

Together we will find the way forward.

I love you all. 

Photo by Holly Cooper

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