A Winter Memory

This evening I went for a walk in the snow, at dusk into the darkening night. The world reducing to icy blue landscapes highlighted by grey shadows. Orange house light spilling onto drifting lawns. Wooded patches reducing in detail, fading into black. As I walked through the neighborhood, blowing sleet stinging my cheeks, icy wind … More A Winter Memory

Help me get my beard cleared for my 40th Birthday (at the end of the world)

Recently a couple of very good friends of mine decided to start an online fundraising campaign to help me raise money to finally, finally have the procedure I have been waiting all these years to have.  A campaign called, “Friend Lorelei Feeling Fabulous At Forty”.  I am frankly in awe of the wonderfulness of my … More Help me get my beard cleared for my 40th Birthday (at the end of the world)